The PREdiCCt Study | Nathan Constantine-Cooke

The PREdiCCt Study

The PRognostic effect of Environmental factors in Crohn’s and Colitis Study

PREdiCCt (The PRognostic effect of Environmental factors in Crohn’s and Colitis) is a UK-wide cohort study investigating which environmental, genetic, and microbial factors are associated with disease flare in patients with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and inflammatory bowel disease unclassified (IBDU).

Patients were recruited after being in remission for at least two months. During recruitment, participants completed initial questionnaires. Shortly after recruitment, patients completed lifestyle and environmental questionnaires and a four-day weighed food diary via a web-portal. Saliva and stool samples for genetic and microbial analysis respectively were sent in by participants. The stool sample is also used to measure gut inflammation by using faecal calprotectin levels.

The progress of patients is then monitored over two years. Participants are asked to complete monthly questionnaires through the web-portal. If a participant experiences a flare then they are asked to notify the PREdiCCt team and provide an additional stool sample.

How the environmental and microorganism factors recorded at the time of the flare differ with the baseline data is of interest to this study. The difference in baseline measurements between those who flare and those who do not will also be investigated.

As a member of the statistical analysis committee, I have provided statistical insights for the main analysis. I am also using this date to model IBD outcomes over time using longitudinally collected data.

PREdiCCt is kindly funded by Cure Crohn’s & Colitis, Crohn’s and Colitis in Childhood, NHS Lothian and the Chief Scientist Office.